mardi 23 juin 2009

the cry of love
i d'ont know the cause about this ...!!

slt. Laisse toi aimer !!!!!!!!!!.

samedi 4 avril 2009

the innocent life

when the sun come???????????

mardi 31 mars 2009


كيف تعرف انك تحب ؟.؟.؟

c'est !!

dimanche 29 mars 2009


"L'amour est comme une amitié

accrochée au feu.

Dans le commencement une flamme,

très assez,

souvent chaud et féroce,

mais s'allument toujours seulement et clignoter.

Pendant que l'amour vieillit,

nos coeurs mûrissent

et notre amour devient comme


أبسألك يا صاحبي !!!

أمانة صليت الفجر؟؟؟

نويتها قبل المنـام أو نيتـك.. بس بالكلام !وقت ,, المنبه ,, للصلاة ولا ,, على وقت الدوام ؟؟

تخيل !! إنك ' ما صحيت ' الموت ,, جالك ,, وانتهيتبتقــابل الله بأي وجه والا بتقول أنــك نسيـت ؟؟

الله عطاك اللـي تبي الى متـى يا صاحبي ؟؟

لا تـامن الدنيـا ترى !!

من يامـــن الدنيا غبـييا لاهي بلبس البشــوت وتفكر تعمر بيــوتسؤال واحــد جاوبــه ماجا على بالك تموت؟

أنت وأنا نبغى الأجر وقلوبنا ماهي حجريالله

--- نتعاهد بالصلاة

..... من بـكره ما نخلي الفجر

jeudi 26 mars 2009

the word ther

mercredi 18 mars 2009


la vie superbe . c'est manifique

samedi 14 mars 2009

Way back last June, my neighbor Ellen decided to have a garage sale. It wasn't an easy decision for her. She was taking that difficult step that mothers eventually have to take: to get rid of all the baby stuff. Countless hours of prep work went into her mammoth sale and for three days we watched the precious objects of her baby years walk down the driveway in strangers' hands. She shared all her memories of when Anne-Marie and Erik were babies, brought back to her by every item she picked up. We laughed, we cried and we got rid of a lot of stuff. And a couple of weeks later we both giggled with amazement when she revealed she was going to need all that stuff back. She was expecting again.